Newsletterr newsletter comes out twice a year. Contents may include a note from our President, a note from our Psychological Consultant, book, activity, and/or website recommendations, songs and fingerplays, parent articles & more!
Psychological ConsultantGDCPTA retains a Psychological Consultant each year who is available for phone consultations regarding children in your care. She may also submit articles to our newsletter and be available at one workshop per year.
Teacher ConsultantWe have a veteran Teacher Consultant available for phone or on-site consultation regarding your program, your children, or your families. Additionally, each new member is given the opportunity to connect with a mentor teacher.
Teacher PlacementIs your school in need of a teacher? Are you in need of a school? Our teacher services coordinator will assist you in either endeavor.
Area MeetingsWe assist and encourage teachers in geographic areas to arrange meetings as an opportunity to share ideas and offer support.
Reduced Workshop FeesGDCPTA sponsors 3 workshops per year with members paying $50 per workshop. Non-members pay $65 per workshop each year.